Wood Chipping in Luton

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Wood Chipping Services in Luton

Luton Tree Services offers a wood chipping service that is perfect for those who need to get rid of excess branches, leaves, and other garden waste. We have a range of different machines that can handle any amount of waste, and we will even take away the resulting mulch for you.

This is an ideal solution if you are looking to tidy up your garden or make some extra space, and it is also great for the environment as it recycles garden waste that would otherwise end up in landfill sites. Contact us today to find out more about our wood chipping service in Luton.
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Wood Chipping Process

The wood chipping process is a great way to mulch your garden or dispose of unwanted branches and twigs. Chipping is the process of breaking down wood into small, uniform pieces using a chipper machine. The end result is wood chips that can be used as mulch or as fuel for burning.

There are many benefits to wood chipping, including:

  • It’s a great way to reduce fire hazards by disposing of excess brush and leaves.
  • It’s an environmentally friendly way to dispose of green waste.
  • Wood chips make excellent mulch for gardens, helping to retain moisture and suppress weeds.

If you’re planning on doing some tree work this winter, consider adding wood chipping to your list of services. It’s a great way to clean up your property and make use of unwanted wood. Luton Tree Services offers wood chipping as part of our tree removal and stump grinding services. Contact us today for a free quote.

Other Alternatives To Wood Chipping

If you’re not interested in wood chipping, there are other options for disposing of green waste. You can:

  1. Compost it: Composting is a great way to recycle green waste and turn it into nutrient-rich soil for your garden.
  2. Burn it: Burning is another option for disposing of green waste. However, you’ll need to obtain a permit from your local council before doing so.
  3. Dump it: You can take green waste to your local landfill or transfer station. However, this is not the most environmentally friendly option.

If you’re not sure what to do with your green waste, contact Luton Tree Services. We can advise you on the best course of action for disposing of it.